King Valley

King Valley

36° 70’ S


146° 24’ E




about this subregion

Nestled in the picturesque foothills of Victoria's Alpine region, King Valley stands as a prominent wine subregion renowned for its diverse terroir and cool climate. Its pristine environment, characterized by rolling hills, fertile soils, and a temperate climate moderated by altitude, creates an ideal setting for grape cultivation.

Merlot, Sangiovese, Pinot Grigio, and Prosecco thrive in this terroir, benefiting from the region's distinct microclimates and ample sunshine. Merlot, known for its velvety texture, finds expression in King Valley's rich soils. Sangiovese, the backbone of Italian winemaking, flourishes in the region's warm days and cool nights, imbuing wines with vibrant acidity and nuanced flavors. Pinot Grigio, celebrated for its crispness and delicate aromatics, achieves optimal ripeness in King Valley's moderate climate. Meanwhile, Prosecco, the iconic sparkling wine grape, attains its signature freshness and effervescence under the region's careful viticultural practices.

With its stunning landscape and favorable conditions, King Valley continues to captivate wine enthusiasts worldwide, offering a diverse array of varietals that reflect the region's unique terroir and winemaking heritage.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1,500 - 1,800


Discover Terroir

The King Valley sub-region, situated in the northeast of Victoria, Australia, boasts a captivating landscape that entices both wine aficionados and nature enthusiasts alike. Spanning alongside the meandering path of the King River, this scenic area is celebrated for its exceptional wine offerings. This region shares a border to the north with Glenrowan, to the east with Alpine Valleys and to the west with Upper Goulburn.

The latest King Valley Regional Snapshot 2021-2022 report highlights the region's significant contribution to the Australian wine industry, indicating a total grape crush of approximately 21,195 tons in 2022. While this figure reflects a slight 4% decrease compared to the previous year, it underscores the region's consistent commitment to quality over quantity.

With an average yield of 13.8 tons per hectare for the year, the King Valley demonstrates its prowess in maintaining a balance between productivity and excellence. This statistic is a testament to the region's dedication to sustainable viticulture practices and meticulous grape cultivation techniques. As a result, the wines produced in the King Valley consistently showcase the unique terroir and microclimates that define this corner of Victoria.

Against the backdrop of rolling hills, fertile soils, and a temperate climate shaped by altitude, the King Valley nurtures a diverse array of grape varieties. Among the notable cultivars thriving in this environment are Merlot, Sangiovese, Pinot Grigio, and Prosecco. These grapes benefit from the region's distinct microclimates and ample sunshine, resulting in wines of exceptional character and complexity.

In essence, the King Valley stands as a beacon of excellence in Australian winemaking, blending natural beauty with viticultural ingenuity to produce wines that captivate palates around the world.

The King Valley wine region, nestled in the northeast of Victoria, Australia, is a testament to the country's diverse viticultural landscape and rich winemaking heritage. Officially recognized in 2007, this flourishing wine destination showcases a unique interplay of climate, altitude, and terroir, culminating in wines of exceptional quality and distinction.

Spanning a vast expanse, the King Valley encompasses a range of elevations, from the valley floor's warm to hot temperatures to the cool climate found at higher altitudes, ascending to an impressive 800 meters above sea level in the Whitlands plateau. This elevation diversity, stretching from 155 meters at Milawa to 860 meters at Whitlands, fosters an array of microclimates throughout the region, facilitating the cultivation of a diverse range of grape varietals and wine styles.

Central to the King Valley's winemaking success is its continental climate, characterized by warm days and cool nights. This diurnal temperature variation is instrumental in grape ripening, allowing for the development of optimal sugar levels, acidity, and flavor compounds. As a result, wines crafted in the King Valley exhibit a remarkable depth of character, with pronounced varietal expression and vibrant acidity that contribute to their complexity and overall appeal.

Furthermore, the region's viticultural practices, informed by a deep understanding of its terroir, emphasize sustainability and innovation, ensuring the preservation of its natural resources for generations to come. In essence, the King Valley stands as a beacon of excellence in Australian winemaking, where tradition meets innovation amidst a backdrop of breathtaking natural beauty.

The King Valley wine subregion in Victoria, Australia, is characterized by its diverse soil types, which play a significant role in the viticultural success of the region. The soils in the King Valley are varied, reflecting the region's complex topography and contributing to the wide array of wine styles produced:

  1. Deep Red Clay Loams: These soils are prevalent in the King Valley and are highly regarded for their water retention and fertility, which contribute to the healthy growth of vines. The deep red clay loams offer a strong foundation for viticulture, providing vines with the necessary nutrients and moisture, while their good drainage ensures that the vines are not waterlogged, applying just the right amount of stress to enhance grape quality​​.
  2. Alluvial Soils: Along the King River and its tributaries, the valley floor is home to alluvial soils, which are composed of materials deposited by water flow. These soils are deep and fertile, historically supporting tobacco and hops cultivation before being repurposed for vineyards. The alluvial soils in the King Valley are suited for a variety of grape types, contributing to the region's capacity to produce a broad spectrum of wine styles​​.
  3. Stonier Soils on Hillsides: The hillsides in the King Valley feature less vigorous, stonier soils compared to the fertile alluvial plains. These soils are particularly well-suited for high-quality red wine production. The composition of these stonier soils includes a mix of rocky material and clay, which ensures adequate drainage and encourages the vines to root deeply in search of nutrients and water, leading to more concentrated and robust flavors in the grapes​​.

The diversity of soil types in the King Valley, ranging from fertile alluvial soils on the valley floor to the nutrient-rich deep red clay loams and the less vigorous stonier soils on the hillsides, plays a crucial role in the region's ability to produce a wide range of wine styles. This soil diversity, combined with the region's climatic conditions, contributes to the King Valley's reputation as a dynamic and versatile wine-producing area, capable of cultivating both traditional and alternative grape varieties to produce wines of exceptional quality and character.


The King Valley, a subregion of Victoria's vast wine country in Australia, stands out for its remarkable diversity of grape varieties, heavily influenced by Italian viticulture. This region's unique topography, climate, and soil types make it particularly suited for growing a variety of grapes that thrive under specific agricultural and climatic conditions. Below, we explore the cultivation requirements of the most common grape varieties in the King Valley: Merlot, Sangiovese, Pinot Grigio, and Prosecco (Glera).

  1. Merlot: Merlot is a versatile grape that adapts well to various climates, thriving in the King Valley's mixed continental conditions. It prefers a balance of warm days to ripen the fruit to perfection and cool nights to retain acidity and structure. The deep red clay loams of the valley, with their excellent water retention and fertility, support healthy vine growth while ensuring good drainage. This balance is crucial for Merlot, allowing for stress to be applied to the vines to enhance grape quality without overburdening the plant.
  2. Sangiovese: Originating from Italy, Sangiovese requires careful site selection to thrive, making the King Valley an ideal location due to its varied microclimates and elevation changes. This grape benefits from the region's warm days, which are essential for developing full flavors, while the cool nights help maintain acidity and prevent the fruit from over-ripening. Sangiovese vines are particularly suited to the higher altitudes found in the King Valley, where the cooler growing conditions mimic those of its native Tuscany, promoting a slow and even ripening process.
  3. Pinot Grigio: Pinot Grigio flourishes in regions with cool climate, making the higher elevations of the King Valley a perfect match. The grape's thin skin and early ripening nature make it sensitive to excessive heat, hence the importance of the cool breezes and significant diurnal temperature variations in the valley. These conditions allow Pinot Grigio grapes to mature slowly, preserving their acidity and freshness. The variety's preference for well-drained soils aligns well with the region's deep red clay loams, which provide an ideal foundation for producing high-quality Pinot Grigio grapes.
  4. Prosecco (Glera): Prosecco, made from the Glera grape, has found a special home in the King Valley, benefiting from the region's cool to moderate climate. This variety thrives in the valley's diverse elevations, particularly enjoying the cooler sites that mirror its native Veneto in Italy. Glera's adaptability to different soil types is well accommodated in the King Valley, where the varying altitudes offer a range of microclimates. The key to producing quality Prosecco lies in achieving a balance between maintaining the grape's natural acidity and achieving phenolic ripeness, a feat made possible by the region's unique climate dynamics.

The King Valley's distinctive Italian heritage is reflected not only in the choice of grape varieties but also in the meticulous attention to viticultural practices that cater to each variety's specific needs. These grape varieties, coupled with others like Pinot Noir, underpins the region's reputation as a premier destination for tasting Italian-style wines in an Australian wine tour.

Nestled in the northeast of Victoria, Australia, the King Valley wine subregion is renowned for its distinctive Italian influence, reflected in both the grape varieties cultivated and the wines produced. This area's unique climate and terrain are ideally suited to a range of varieties, with Merlot, Sangiovese, Pinot Grigio, and Prosecco standing out as the most common and beloved wines. Each wine, celebrated for its unique aromatic and flavor profiles, embodies the essence of King Valley's terroir and winemaking heritage.

  1. Merlot: King Valley Merlot wines are known for their rich, soft, and velvety texture. Aromatically, they often present a complex bouquet of dark fruits like plums and blackberries, complemented by subtle hints of chocolate, vanilla, and sometimes a touch of earthiness. The flavor profile is similarly fruit-forward, with the lush dark berry flavors being balanced by smooth tannins and a gentle acidity that leads to a rounded, satisfying finish.
  2. Sangiovese: The Sangiovese wines from King Valley are celebrated for their vibrant acidity and rustic charm. Aromatically, they offer a lively mix of sour cherry and red berry notes, with underlying hints of dried herbs and spices, often accented by floral tones. On the palate, these wines are characterized by their medium body, showcasing a core of tart cherry and berry flavors, supported by firm tannins and a savory, earthy backbone that adds depth and complexity.
  3. Pinot Gris: Reflecting the cool climate of the King Valley, the region's Pinot Gris wines are crisp, light, and refreshing. Aromatically, they tend to exhibit delicate floral scents, alongside fresh notes of pear, apple, and citrus. The flavor profile is equally fresh and zesty, with a lively acidity that accentuates the clean, fruit-driven character of the wine. Hints of minerality and a subtle almond nuance often emerge on the finish, adding layers to its straightforward appeal.
  4. Prosecco: Prosecco from King Valley has quickly gained fame for its bright, effervescent personality. These sparkling wines typically offer a bouquet of green apple, pear, and floral aromas, with a refreshing citrus twist. The palate is light and lively, with a creamy mousse that carries the crisp fruit flavors through to a clean, invigorating finish. The balance between fruitiness and acidity in King Valley Prosecco makes it an excellent aperitif or a companion to light dishes.

The King Valley's ability to produce wines that are both expressive and true to their Italian roots has cemented its reputation as a premier wine region. Each wine, from the plush and fruity Merlot to the vibrant and lively Prosecco, showcases the diversity and quality of this unique Australian wine region. So, grab your glass and join a wine tour in the King Valley to learn more about its amazing wines and winemakers.
