Strathbogie Ranges

Strathbogie Ranges

36° 87 S


145° 56’ E




about this subregion

The Strathbogie Ranges wine subregion of Victoria, Australia, is nestled within a picturesque landscape characterized by undulating hills and fertile valleys. Its unique environment, influenced by its elevation and proximity to the Great Dividing Range, provides an ideal terroir for grape cultivation. The region experiences cool temperatures and significant diurnal shifts, allowing for the slow ripening of grapes and the development of complex flavors.

Shiraz thrives in the Strathbogie Ranges' continental climate, producing bold and robust wines with intense fruit flavors. Pinot Noir, favored for its elegance and finesse, benefits from the region's cool climate, resulting in wines with bright acidity and delicate aromatics. Sauvignon Blanc showcases vibrant acidity and crisp citrus notes, reflecting the region's cooler pockets and gravelly soils. Chardonnay flourishes in the Strathbogie Ranges' moderate climate, yielding wines of exceptional balance and complexity, while Riesling expresses its characteristic floral and mineral qualities, enhanced by the region's terroir.

With its diverse range of grape varieties and distinctive terroir, the Strathbogie Ranges wine subregion continues to captivate wine enthusiasts with its unique expressions of Victoria's winemaking prowess.



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Strathbogie Ranges,located south of the Goulburn Valley and north of the Upper Goulburn subregion, boasts a captivating blend of natural beauty and viticultural potential. Stretching between the township of Seymour and the city of Benalla, with Euroa at its vibrant center, this subregion is a tapestry of rolling hills, verdant valleys, and rugged slopes. It is within this picturesque landscape that winemakers find a canvas on which to paint their expressions of terroir.

Central to the allure of the Strathbogie Ranges is its diverse terroir. The region's unique climate, influenced by its elevation and proximity to the Great Dividing Range, shapes the character of its wines. Altitudes ranging from 150 to 650 meters (1312 to 2625 feet) above sea level create a cool-climate environment, characterized by crisp mornings and warm days, tempered by cool evening breezes. This diurnal temperature shift not only extends the growing season but also fosters the development of balanced acidity and nuanced flavor profiles in the grapes.

The soil composition further enriches the viticultural landscape of the Strathbogie Ranges, imparting distinct mineral nuances to the wines and adding layers of complexity to their flavor profiles. It is against this backdrop that a diverse array of grape varieties flourish. Among these, Shiraz reigns supreme, thriving in the region's continental climate to produce wines of bold structure and intense fruit character.

Pinot Noir, with its delicate aromatics and silky texture, finds a home in the cooler pockets of the Strathbogie Ranges, while Sauvignon Blanc bursts forth with vibrant acidity and zesty citrus notes, reflecting the influence of the region's gravelly soils. Chardonnay, celebrated for its versatility, showcases both elegance and depth in the wines crafted here, while Riesling unfurls its signature floral bouquet against a backdrop of stony minerality.

As each grape variety responds to the nuances of its surroundings, the wines of the Strathbogie Ranges embody a sense of place, capturing the essence of Victoria's winemaking heritage. With each sip, enthusiasts embark on a journey through this captivating landscape, where the convergence of climate, soil, and skilled craftsmanship yields wines of unparalleled character and distinction.

The Strathbogie Ranges wine subregion emerges as a captivating tapestry of cool-climate viticulture. Its allure stems from the convergence of unique geographic and climatic factors that shape its distinctive terroir. Blessed with a mild to cool climate, the region enjoys a protracted growing season characterized by a gentle interplay of warmth and coolness. Annual rainfall, averaging around 804mm, nourishes the vineyards, while the mean January temperature of 19.2°C sets the stage for optimal grape ripening.

Yet, it is not merely the climatic conditions that define the Strathbogie Ranges; it is the intricate interplay of its diverse topography that lends complexity to its wines. From the undulating valleys to the granite-strewn hillsides, the region's altitude varies dramatically, ranging from 150 to 650 meters above sea level. This elevation gradient, coupled with an array of soils, creates a mosaic of microclimates, each imparting its unique imprint on the grapes.

Amidst this rich tapestry of landforms and soils, winemakers find inspiration to craft wines that echo the essence of the Strathbogie Ranges. Shiraz thrives in the warmer pockets, yielding wines of bold expression and depth, while Pinot Noir finds its niche in the cooler valleys, delivering wines of elegance and finesse. Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, and Riesling, each embraced by the region's diverse terroir, reveal their individual charms, from vibrant citrus notes to luscious stone fruit flavors.

Indeed, the wines of the Strathbogie Ranges bear witness to the harmonious marriage of nature and nurture. As each vintage unfolds, enthusiasts are invited to savor the nuances of this captivating landscape, where every bottle tells a story of place, tradition, and the timeless art of winemaking.

The soils of the Strathbogie Ranges wine subregion are integral to its identity and the unique character of the wines produced in this area of Victoria. These soils tend to have a high acidity, with a pH of between 4 and 5, which usually allows to produce wines with high acidity and freshness:

  1. Granitic Soils: The Strathbogie Ranges are renowned for their granitic soils, derived from the weathering of ancient granite rocks. These soils are typically well-drained, with a coarse texture and relatively low fertility, which can stress the vines. This stress, in turn, is beneficial for viticulture as it encourages the vines to produce grapes with concentrated flavors​​​​.
  2. Sandy Loams and Alluvial Sands: Alongside granitic soils, the region features sandy loams and alluvial sands. These soils are known for their good drainage and moderate fertility, offering a balance that supports vine health and grape quality. The texture of these soils allows for deep root penetration, essential for water and nutrient uptake in the varying climatic conditions of the Strathbogie Ranges​​.
  3. Acidic Soils: The soils in the Strathbogie Ranges tend to be acidic, with pH levels generally between 4 and 5. This acidity can influence the availability of nutrients to the vines and may require careful management to ensure that vines remain healthy and productive. The acidic nature of the soil can contribute to the vibrant acidity and freshness of the wines produced in this region​​.
  4. Fractured Quartz and Ironstone Gravel: The presence of fractured quartz and ironstone gravel in the soil adds to the complexity of the terroir. These elements can contribute to the mineral qualities in the wine, adding depth and complexity. The reflective properties of quartz can also play a role in moderating temperature around the vines, potentially benefiting the grapes during key growth phases​​.

Each of these soil types contributes to the unique terroir of the Strathbogie Ranges wine subregion, influencing the growth of vines and the quality of grapes. The interaction between these soils and the region's cool climate results in wines that are not only reflective of their origin but also possess distinctive flavor profiles and aromatic complexity.


The Strathbogie Ranges, a prominent wine subregion within Victoria, Australia, is distinguished by its cool climate and unique granitic soils, which provide an ideal environment for a variety of grapevines. The region is celebrated for its production of high-quality wines, with Shiraz, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, and Riesling being among the most common grape varieties cultivated.

  1. Shiraz: Shiraz thrives in the Strathbogie Ranges' cool climate, where the temperature variation between day and night helps to slow the ripening process, allowing the grapes to develop a balance of sugar and acidity while maintaining their health against diseases. The well-drained granitic soils of the region provide a stress environment for the vines, concentrating flavors in the grapes. Shiraz vines in this area require careful canopy management to ensure adequate sunlight penetration and air circulation to optimize fruit quality.
  2. Pinot Noir: Pinot Noir, known for its finicky nature, finds a suitable habitat in the cooler, elevated parts of the Strathbogie Ranges. Pinot Noir demands well-drained soils and a relatively cool growing season to mature slowly, ensuring the development of its subtle characteristics. The region's granitic soils contribute to the stress that Pinot Noir vines need to produce concentrated flavors. Precise vineyard practices are essential to protect these thin-skinned red wines grapes from sunburn and disease.
  3. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc in the Strathbogie Ranges benefits from the cool climate, which extends the growing season and allows for the gradual accumulation of flavors while retaining high levels of natural acidity. The variety prefers well-drained soils and requires careful water management to avoid vigorous canopy growth at the expense of fruit concentration. The altitude of the vineyards plays a role in the temperature regulation, ensuring the preservation of the grape's zestiness.
  4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay is well-suited to the Strathbogie Ranges due to its versatility in different climates and soil types. However, it particularly flourishes in the region's cool climate and granitic soils, which contribute to a slower ripening process, allowing for the development of complexity while maintaining acidity. The grape requires meticulous vineyard management to balance fruit exposure to sunlight and prevent overripeness, ensuring the production of high-quality wine.
  5. Riesling: Riesling prospers in the Strathbogie Ranges' higher elevations, where the cool temperatures and significant diurnal variation contribute to the slow, even ripening of the grapes. This grape variety prefers well-drained soils and benefits from the region's granitic composition, which stresses the vines just enough to produce intensely flavored grapes. Riesling vines demand careful site selection and vineyard practices to optimize sunlight exposure and air flow around the clusters, minimizing disease risk and enhancing fruit quality.

The Strathbogie Ranges' distinctive terroir, characterized by its cool climate and granitic soils, creates an optimal setting for these grape varieties. Each grape's agricultural and climatic needs are met within this region, allowing for the production of distinctive and high-quality wines that reflect the unique characteristics of their environment.

The Strathbogie Ranges wine subregion, nestled within the scenic and elevated landscapes of Victoria, Australia, is celebrated for its unique terroir, marked by cool climates and granitic soils. This region, emerging in the 1970s, has quickly established itself as a producer of distinctive wines, characterized by their aromatic freshness and complexity. The wines from Strathbogie Ranges are notable for their ability to capture the essence of their environment, offering a diverse palette of flavors and aromas that cater to a wide range of palates.

  1. Shiraz: The Shiraz red wines from Strathbogie Ranges is celebrated for its elegant and medium-bodied profile. It typically showcases a blend of dark fruit aromas, such as blackberry and plum, complemented by subtle hints of pepper and spice. This wine is well-balanced, with a smooth texture and a lingering finish that echoes its spice-infused bouquet.
  2. Pinot Noir: Pinot Noir red wines from the Strathbogie Ranges presents a delicate and nuanced expression of the variety. It often features a core of red fruit aromas, including cherry and raspberry, intertwined with floral notes such as violets. Earthy undertones and a hint of oak provide depth and complexity to the wine's soft and silky palate.
  3. Chardonnay: The region's Chardonnay is known for its freshness and aromatic complexity. It typically exudes aromas of citrus and stone fruits, like peach and nectarine, alongside nuances of vanilla and toasted almond from oak aging. On the palate, it offers a balanced acidity with a creamy texture, leading to a persistent and elegant finish.
  4. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc from Strathbogie Ranges is vibrant and crisp, characterized by its zesty citrus and tropical fruit aromas. Notes of lime, passionfruit, stone fruit and green apple dominate, complemented by herbal undertones that add freshness and complexity. The wine is lively on the palate, with a refreshing acidity that makes it a perfect accompaniment to a wide array of dishes.

The Strathbogie Ranges' distinct climatic and geographical attributes play a pivotal role in shaping the aromatic and flavor profiles of its wines, making them highly sought after by enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Each wine offers a unique sensory journey, reflecting the meticulous care and passion that go into its production.
