Rubicone IGP

Rubicone IGP

44°00'00'' N


11°00'00'' E




about this subregion

The Rubicone IGP, nestled in the heart of the Emilia-Romagna wine region, is a testament to Italy's rich viticultural tapestry. Spanning across the provinces of Forli-Cesena, Ravenna, Rimini, and extending to the south-eastern half of Bologna, the region is a mosaic of landscapes that seamlessly meld together, crafting an environment ripe for winemaking.

Embraced by gentle rolling hills, fertile plains, and kissed by the Adriatic breezes, Rubicone offers a unique climatic blend. This balanced climate, combined with the diverse soil compositions, provides an idyllic backdrop for grape cultivation. It's no surprise then that this region is home to an array of grape varieties that thrive under these conditions.

Among the reds, Ancellotta stands out with its deep color and robust nature, while Fortana brings a rustic charm to the table. The international varieties, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah, have also found a favorable home here, with the region's terroir adding a distinct Italian touch to their classic profiles.

On the white spectrum, Chardonnay graces the vineyards with its elegance and adaptability. Its wines from Rubicone often showcase a harmonious blend of fruit-forward notes balanced with the region's characteristic minerality. Sauvignon Blanc, with its aromatic allure, benefits from the region's diurnal temperature shifts, resulting in wines that are both aromatic and refreshing.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled within the vast and diverse Italian region of Emilia Romagna, the Rubicone IGP is a testament to the region's rich viticultural heritage. Encompassing a significant portion of the region, Rubicone stretches over the provinces of Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna, and Rimini, and extends into the south-eastern half of Bologna.

The landscape of Rubicone is a harmonious blend of varying terrains. To the east, the region gently kisses the Adriatic Sea, with its coastal plains providing a breezy and maritime influence ideal for vine cultivation. As one moves westward, the plains give way to gentle hills, eventually reaching the foot of the imposing Apennine Mountains. These varying terrains not only offer diverse soil compositions but also create a plethora of microclimates, each uniquely suited to specific grape varieties.

To the west, the region it is bounded by the province of Ferrara, while its southernmost tips brush against the Marche region. This strategic location ensures that the wines of Rubicone benefit from a mix of both continental and maritime climatic influences, thus allowing winemakers to craft wines with depth, character, and a sense of place.

With such a vast and varied expanse, it's no wonder that the Rubicone IGP is home to an array of grape varieties and wine styles, each telling a distinct story of the land, the climate, and the centuries-old winemaking traditions of Emilia Romagna.

The climate of Rubicone IGP is a harmonious interplay between maritime and continental influences, weaving a tapestry that shapes the wines' very essence.

Originating from the east, the Adriatic Sea's gentle embrace caresses the Rubicone region, bestowing it with mild, breezy conditions. The coastal proximity ensures that the vineyards experience moderated temperatures, particularly during the growing season. This maritime influence brings with it consistent morning mists and evening breezes, which not only aid in temperature regulation but also reduce the risk of vine diseases. The result is a longer ripening period for the grapes, allowing them to develop nuanced aromas and flavors while maintaining their intrinsic acidity.

As one ventures westward, deeper into Rubicone's heart, the maritime whispers gradually give way to a more pronounced continental climate. Here, the summers are warmer and winters colder, with a more significant diurnal temperature variation. This shift ensures that the grapes achieve optimal ripeness, leading to wines that are both structured and balanced.

Yet, the Rubicone's climatic story doesn't end with the simple dichotomy of sea and land. The Apennine Mountains, standing tall in the region's backdrop, play a pivotal role in shielding the vineyards from the cold northern winds. Additionally, the mountains contribute to the formation of localized weather patterns, creating pockets of microclimates scattered across the region. These microclimates, each with its distinct characteristics, offer a diverse palette for winemakers to craft wines of unparalleled complexity and identity.

In essence, Rubicone's climate is a symphony, a balanced composition of sea breezes, continental warmth, and mountainous protection. It's a climate that doesn't just nurture the vines but sings through them, creating wines that echo the rhythm of the land and sky.

The soils of Rubicone IGP are as diverse and varied as the landscapes they inhabit, each type bestowing the vines with unique characteristics that translate into the wines.

  1. Alluvial Soils: Found primarily in the eastern plains close to the Adriatic coast, these soils are the result of centuries of river deposits. Rich in sand and silt, they offer good drainage, ensuring that the vines' roots don't get waterlogged. These soils are particularly beneficial for white grape varieties, promoting aromatic freshness and elegance in the wines.
  2. Clay Soils: Predominantly located in the central parts of the Rubicone region, clay soils are known for their water-retentive properties. While they can be challenging for viticulturists after heavy rains, their ability to store water during drier periods can be an advantage. Wines from these soils tend to have a robust structure and pronounced minerality, making them ideal for red grape varieties that thrive with a bit more body and depth.
  3. Calcareous Soils: Often found interspersed among the region's hilly terrains, these soils are rich in limestone and chalk. The alkalinity of calcareous soils can influence the wine's acidity levels, leading to wines with a zesty, vibrant character. Such soils are excellent for both red and white grape varieties, encouraging depth of flavor and a lingering finish.
  4. Loamy Soils: A balanced blend of sand, silt, and clay, loamy soils offer the best of all worlds. They provide good water retention, excellent drainage, and ample nutrients for the vines. Located in various pockets throughout Rubicone, wines from these soils are often well-rounded, with a harmonious balance between fruit, acidity, and tannin.
  5. Gravelly Soils: Present mainly in the areas around riverbeds and ancient water channels, these soils are characterized by a significant presence of gravel and stones. Such a composition ensures rapid drainage, forcing the vines to send their roots deeper in search of water, thus accessing deeper soil minerals. The result is wines with a notable mineral undertone, adding complexity and intrigue to the palate.


Rubicone IGP's vineyards paint a picturesque scene with clusters of vibrant grapes dotting the landscape, each variety with its unique hue and texture. From deep reds to gleaming whites, these grapes are a testament to the region's ability to nurture a diverse range of varietals. Let's delve into the agricultural and climatic preferences of some of Rubicone's most celebrated grapes.

  1. Ancellotta: A red grape variety native to Italy, Ancellotta thrives in well-drained soils. It requires a good amount of sunlight to reach full maturation, favoring warmer climates. Its robust nature makes it resistant to many vine diseases, but care is needed to manage its vigor to ensure quality fruit production.
  2. Fortana: Traditionally grown in the flatlands of Emilia-Romagna, Fortana has an affinity for deep, fertile soils. It benefits from moderate climates where it can achieve a balance between sugar and acidity. While it is a relatively hardy vine, it benefits from careful canopy management to ensure optimal sun exposure.
  3. Cabernet: Originating from Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon has found a comfortable home in Rubicone. Preferring gravelly soils, it appreciates the good drainage that the region offers. While it can adapt to a range of climates, it thrives best in warmer environments, needing a longer growing season to ripen fully.
  4. Syrah:Native to the Rhône Valley, Syrah is no stranger to warm, sun-drenched climates. In Rubicone, it seeks out well-drained soils, be it sandy or stony. The vine requires consistent warmth during its growing season but benefits from cooler nights to retain its natural acidity.
  5. Chardonnay: This versatile white grape, hailing from Burgundy, adapts well to a variety of soil types but has a particular fondness for chalky terrains. While Chardonnay vines are quite adaptable to both cool and warm climates, they require stable conditions without extreme temperature fluctuations during the ripening period.
  6. Sauvignon Blanc: Originating from the Loire Valley and Bordeaux, Sauvignon Blanc seeks out cooler microclimates within Rubicone. The vine favors well-drained soils and benefits from sites that provide good air circulation, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. It's essential to protect its delicate clusters from excessive heat to preserve the grape's natural acidity.

The wines of Rubicone IGP paint a broad canvas of expressions. From the pristine whites to the profound reds, and the sparkling vivacities in between, Rubicone's offerings capture the essence of Emilia-Romagna in every sip. The wines, while being rooted in tradition, embrace flexibility in grape composition, allowing winemakers to craft distinctive profiles that resonate with the terroir's whispers.

  1. Bianco: The Bianco wines of Rubicone present a symphony of aromas, often showcasing fresh citrus notes, hints of green apple, and subtle floral undertones. On the palate, they are typically crisp, with a refreshing minerality, echoing the terroir's influence.
  2. Varietals (White): Depending on the dominant grape, these varietal wines might exhibit characteristics ranging from the aromatic intensity of Sauvignon Blanc, the stone fruit nuances of Chardonnay, to the exotic touch of Müller-Thurgau. They often balance fruit-forwardness with underlying complexities.
  3. Dual Varietals (White): These wines harmoniously blend the characteristics of their constituent grapes, creating layered aromas, with intertwined notes of fruits, flowers, and sometimes, a touch of spice.
  4. Rosato: Rubicone's Rosato wines express vibrant red fruit aromas, predominantly of strawberries and raspberries. They are often lively on the palate, with a delicate balance of acidity and fruitiness.
  5. Rosso: The red tapestry is diverse, with wines reflecting dark berry aromas, hints of plum, and occasional spicy or earthy undertones. Depending on the grape varieties, they can range from being medium-bodied with soft tannins to fuller-bodied expressions with a robust structure.
  6. Varietals (Red): Each varietal brings its signature, be it the rich dark fruit tones of Cabernet Sauvignon, the spicy hints in Syrah, or the cherry notes of Sangiovese. The finish can vary from being smooth and velvety to structured and enduring.
  7. Novello: These wines, often released shortly after harvest, exhibit youthful aromas of fresh red fruits, combined with a certain lightness and vivacity on the palate.
  8. Spumante:Bursting with fine bubbles, the Spumante from Rubicone might showcase aromas of green apple, pear, and hints of yeasty notes, with a palate that dances between creaminess and crisp acidity.
  9. Rosato Spumante: These sparkling rosé wines often display fragrant notes of red berries and rose petals, harmoniously balanced with a lively effervescence.
  10. Mosto Wines: These partially fermented wines, whether Bianco, Rosato, or Rosso, maintain a fresh grape aroma, with a pronounced fruitiness on the palate and a touch of natural sweetness.
  11. Rosso Passito: Made predominantly from Malbo Gentile, Sangiovese, and Uva Longanesi, these wines have a concentrated bouquet of dried fruits, raisins, and a hint of caramel. The palate is lusciously sweet, yet balanced by a natural acidity.