

46° 49' 47'' N


71° 15' 14'' W




about this region

Quebec is the 3rd most important wine-producing region in Canada and even though is lesser-known than its counterparts, it's a region of increasing interest and acclaim.

Located in eastern Canada, Québec is the largest province in Canada, bordered by Ontario to the west, Newfoundland and Labrador to the northeast and New Brunswick to the southeast and is marked by a continental climate. Quebec boasts more than 40 vineyards and wineries, specializing in unique and flavorful wines produced from hybrid grape varieties developed to withstand the region's cold climate, such as Maréchal Foch, Vidal and Seyval Blanc. The most important areas for wine production in this region are to the north and south east of Montreal and around Quebec City.

The Quebec wine industry is relatively young, with most wineries established in the last few decades, but it's steadily growing and expanding, with a focus on producing sparkling wines and ice wines. In addition, wineries from Quebec produce dry, fortified and sweet wines. The province's cool climate and fertile soil make it ideal for growing grapes with high acidity, resulting in bright and flavorful wines. As the Quebec wine region continues to develop and gain recognition, it promises to be a unique and exciting addition to Canada's wine scene.

Québec's liquor laws are liberal and privatized, allowing for both the SAQ Monopoly and a private channel. In 2020-2021, wine sales were 2,535.74 million dollars, second only to Ontario. In 2020, Québec was Canada's largest wine-importing province, with 180 million litres of wine imported at a value of $770 million.



Vineyard Hectares



1,000 - 1,400

growing degree days

Discover Terroir

Quebec's vineyards predominantly grace the southern reaches of the province, encompassing areas like Montreal, the Eastern Townships (Estrie), and the Montérégie region. The geographical positioning of these locales plays a pivotal role in nurturing successful grape cultivation within Quebec. The main wine regions of Quebec are the Appalachian Foothills, the Appalachian Plateau, Deux Montagnes, Lake Saint-Pierre, Monteregian Hills, Québec and the Banks of St Lawrence and the Richelieu Valley.

A key factor contributing to the prosperity of these vineyards is their strategic proximity to the St. Lawrence River. This formidable watercourse, apart from offering scenic beauty, plays a vital role in shaping a conducive microclimate for grape farming. The river's moderating effect helps temper temperature extremes, especially during the challenging winter months, which can be particularly harsh for vineyards in colder climates.

Beyond the St. Lawrence River, the vineyards reap the benefits of the presence of the Great Lakes, expansive bodies of water nearby. These lakes further enhance the local climate, providing a safeguard against temperature fluctuations. The vast thermal mass of the Great Lakes acts as a temperature stabilizer for the surrounding regions, guarding the grapevines against abrupt temperature shifts. This stability permits the cultivation of a diverse range of grape varietals and ensures the consistent quality of the grapes.

Moreover, the combination of fertile soil and an amenable microclimate in these regions has fostered the growth of a burgeoning wine industry in Quebec. Though it may lack the long-established history of wine production found in some other regions, Quebec's vineyards are swiftly earning recognition for their distinctive terroir and the unique character of their wines.

In summary, Quebec's vineyards, especially those situated in the southern regions, owe their flourishing state to the advantageous geographical features, which encompass the proximity to the St. Lawrence River and the tempering influence of the Great Lakes. These natural attributes collectively create an ideal environment for viticulture, allowing Quebec's wine industry to thrive and produce wines that reflect the province's unique terroir.

Quebec's climate falls under the classification of cool continental, characterized by relatively short growing seasons, chilly to frigid winters, and warm summers. This distinctive climate presents unique challenges for the cultivation of grapevines, demanding the selection of grape varieties that exhibit resilience to frost and can effectively mature within the limited ripening periods available.

The cooler climate is undoubtedly a defining aspect of viticulture in Quebec. With winter temperatures that can dip to extreme lows, it becomes imperative for grape growers to implement comprehensive frost protection measures to safeguard the vineyards during the harsh winter months. These precautions may include techniques such as burying vines under soil or employing heating systems to prevent frost damage.

The short growing season, which is a consequence of Quebec's climate, further underscores the importance of selecting grape varieties that can adapt and thrive in such conditions. Grapevines must efficiently utilize the warm summer months to develop the necessary sugars and flavors in the grapes before the onset of fall frosts. This urgency in ripening necessitates meticulous vineyard management practices and strategic grape varietal choices.

However, despite these challenges, the Quebec wine industry has not only persevered but also thrived. Advances in vineyard management techniques, including the use of innovative trellising systems and canopy management, have been instrumental in maximizing grapevine health and grape quality. Additionally, the cultivation of cold-hardy grape varieties has been a game-changer for the region. These specially bred grape varieties are uniquely suited to withstand Quebec's colder climate and have proven successful in producing high-quality wines.

Furthermore, the dedication and passion of Quebec's winemakers have played a significant role in elevating the quality of wines produced in the region. They continually refine their skills and adapt their practices to the specific demands of Quebec's climate, ensuring that the wines are not only resilient but also reflect the unique terroir of the province.

In conclusion, Quebec's cool continental climate undoubtedly poses challenges for grape cultivation, but it has also sparked innovation and determination within the local wine industry. With careful vineyard management, the cultivation of cold-hardy grape varieties, and the unwavering commitment of its winemakers, Quebec has carved out a niche in the world of wine production, producing unique and high-quality wines that are a testament to the region's distinctive climate and terroir.

The Quebec wine region, renowned for its diverse viticultural landscape, is characterized by a variety of soil types that significantly influence the quality and characteristics of the wines produced. The region's soil diversity is a result of its complex geological history and varying climate, contributing to the unique oenological profiles of the wines. Here, we explore the main types of soils found in the Quebec wine region, outlining their distinct properties and impact on viticulture.

  1. St. Lawrence Lowlands: The St. Lawrence Lowlands feature predominantly fine-textured Gleysol soils. These soils are known for their fine texture and ability to retain moisture, which is beneficial for grapevines during dry periods. The Gleysol soils contribute to the production of wines with a distinct minerality and freshness, often reflecting the unique terroir of the St. Lawrence River valley.
  2. Appalachians: In the Appalachian region, the soils are primarily loamy Podzols or Brunisols. These soil types are characterized by their loamy texture, providing a well-balanced mix of drainage and water retention. This environment supports the growth of grapevines that produce wines with nuanced flavors and aromas, often marked by a subtle complexity and depth.
  3. Laurentians: The Laurentians, situated on the Canadian Shield, are dominated by stony coarse-textured Podzols. These soils are well-drained and often low in fertility, challenging the vines to develop deep root systems. The resulting wines typically exhibit robust flavors and a strong character, mirroring the rugged nature of the Laurentian landscape.
  4. Abitibi and James Bay Lowlands: This region is characterized by fine-textured soils, mainly Gleysols and Organic soils. These soils are particularly rich in organic matter, offering a fertile environment for vine growth. Wines from this region often display a rich texture and full-bodied profile, influenced by the nutrient-rich soil composition.
  5. Mistassini Highlands: The Mistassini Highlands are known for their stony coarse-textured Brunisols or Podzols. These soils provide excellent drainage and are typically low in nutrients, encouraging the vines to develop resilience and strength. The wines from this area are often distinguished by their vibrant acidity and mineral undertones, reflecting the challenging yet rewarding growing conditions.

Each of these soil types contributes uniquely to the terroir of the Quebec wine region, playing a pivotal role in shaping the distinctive qualities of its wines. From the fine-textured Gleysols of the St. Lawrence Lowlands to the stony Brunisols of the Mistassini Highlands, the varied soil landscape of Quebec provides a rich tapestry for winemaking, offering a diverse range of flavors and styles to explore.


In Quebec, a variety of grape varieties are cultivated to produce a diverse range of wines.

  1. Frontenac: Frontenac is a red grape variety that has gained popularity in Quebec. It is a hybrid grape known for its resistance to cold temperatures and diseases. Wines made from Frontenac often have rich color, berry flavors, and moderate tannins.
  2. Marechal Foch: This is another of the red grapes cultivated in Québec, very valued for its hardiness and resilience. Wines made from this grape show a great acidity, coupled with black fruit, mocha or fresh coffee aromas.
  3. Marquette: Marquette is another red grape variety widely planted in Quebec. It is a cold-hardy hybrid known for its ability to produce full-bodied red wines with deep color, robust flavors, and good acidity.
  4. Sainte-Croix: Sainte-Croix is a red grape variety that thrives in Quebec's climate. It is used to produce red wines with fruity flavors, balanced acidity, and softer tannins.
  5. Vidal Blanc: Vidal Blanc is one of the most widely planted white grape varieties in Quebec. It is known for its hardiness and ability to withstand colder climates, making it well-suited for Quebec's challenging growing conditions. Vidal Blanc is used to produce both dry and sweet wines, including ice wines.
  6. Seyval Blanc: Seyval Blanc is another popular white grape variety in Quebec. It is valued for its ability to ripen reliably even in cooler climates. Seyval Blanc wines often exhibit crisp acidity, citrus flavors, and herbal notes.

It's important to note that the Quebec wine industry continues to evolve, and winemakers are experimenting with new grape varieties and styles. As a result, the grape varieties planted may vary over time, reflecting the region's ongoing exploration and innovation in winemaking.

The Quebec wine region produces a diverse range of wines, showcasing the region's unique terroir and reflecting the challenges and opportunities presented by its cool climate. Some of the notable wine types produced in Quebec include:

  1. Icewine (Vin de Glace): Quebec is renowned for its production of icewine, a sweet dessert wine made from grapes that are left on the vine until they freeze. This freezing process concentrates the sugars and flavors in the grapes, resulting in luscious and intense wines with a balance of sweetness and acidity.
  2. White Wines: Quebec produces a variety of white wines, often made from cold-hardy grape varieties. These wines can range from dry to off-dry styles and exhibit flavors of citrus, apple, and tropical fruits. Popular white wines from Quebec include Vidal Blanc, Seyval Blanc, and Chardonnay. Frontenac Blanc has become increasingly popular in recent years. These wines have a fruit-forward profile with notes of pear, peach, and tropical fruits. What sets the Frontenac Blanc apart is its adaptability to different types of soils, allowing each wine to reflect the unique characteristics of the terroir.
  3. Red Wines: Quebec's red wines are crafted from a range of grape varieties suited to the region's climate. These wines showcase flavors of red and black fruits, along with earthy and spice notes. Common red wines produced in Quebec include Frontenac Noir, Marquette, and Pinot Noir. Frontenac Noir grape is the star of the show, yielding wines with aromas of black cherry, blackberry, cassis, and plum. This grape is also known for its high levels of natural sugar, which gives the wine a delicious sweetness.
  4. Rosé Wines: Rosé wines have gained popularity in Quebec, offering a refreshing and versatile option. Made from red grape varieties, these wines have limited skin contact during fermentation, resulting in lighter-colored wines with flavors of strawberries, cherries, and floral notes.
  5. Sparkling Wines: Quebec's cool climate provides favorable conditions for producing sparkling wines. Traditional method sparkling wines, made using the same method as Champagne, are crafted with grape varieties such as Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. These sparkling wines offer vibrant acidity, fine bubbles, and flavors of citrus and toast.
  6. Fruit Wines: In addition to grape wines, Quebec also produces a range of fruit wines made from local fruits such as apples, cranberries, and blueberries. These wines offer a taste of Quebec's diverse fruit harvests and can be enjoyed in various styles, from dry to sweet.

The Quebec wine region continues to explore new grape varieties and winemaking techniques, pushing boundaries and expanding the range of wine styles produced. With a focus on cool climate viticulture, Quebec offers a distinct and exciting array of wines for wine enthusiasts to discover.


50 - 200 m


1,000 - 1,200 mm



top varietal

Frontenac Black and Vidal

History of wine

The history of Quebec's wine region is a compelling tale of resilience, innovation, and evolution, marked by key periods that have shaped its unique identity in the world of viticulture.

Early Explorations and Foundations (1538-1600s):The journey begins in 1538 when Jacques Cartier discovered wild grapevines on the Île d'Orléans, marking Quebec's first documented encounter with vines. However, it wasn't until the early 1600s that viticulture saw earnest attempts under Samuel de Champlain, the founder of Quebec City. These early efforts, however, struggled against the region's harsh climate.

Emergence and Struggle (1600s-1970):For centuries, the winemaking in Quebec remained dormant, largely due to the challenging climate that was not conducive to traditional vitis vinifera varieties. The harsh winters and short growing seasons posed significant obstacles to viticulture. In addition, during 1920 the temperance movement prohibited the consumption of alcohol in the Canadian provinces, including Quebec.

Revival and Organizational Support (1971-1995):A pivotal moment in Quebec's wine history occurred in 1971 with the formation of the Association des Vignerons du Québec (AVQ). The AVQ played a crucial role in revitalizing the local wine industry, supporting growth, and promoting Quebec wines.

Regulatory Milestones and Growth (1996-2008):The issuance of permits for the sale of artisanal wines in 1996 marked a significant turning point. This period saw the Quebec wine industry begin to flourish, as local producers could now share their wines directly with consumers.

Quality Recognition and Standards (2009-2014):In 2009, the introduction of the Certified Québec Wine Designation represented a major advancement. This designation enforced strict quality standards, ensuring that Quebec wines consistently met criteria for excellence.

International Recognition and PGI Status (2015-2018):The pursuit of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status in 2015 by the Conseil des Vins du Québec was a significant stride towards international recognition. In 2018, Quebec wines received the PGI Vin du Québec label, a testament to their unique qualities and the region's distinct terroir. This marked a historic achievement and firmly established Quebec's position in the Canadian wine industry.

Contemporary Developments (2018-Present):Today, the Quebec wine region continues to thrive. Winemakers and vineyards are exploring new grape varieties and techniques suitable for the cool climate, expanding the range of Quebec's wine offerings. This ongoing innovation ensures that the story of Quebec's wine region remains dynamic and engaging, captivating wine enthusiasts worldwide.

Throughout its history, Quebec's wine region has demonstrated remarkable adaptability and ingenuity, overcoming climatic challenges to create wines that are not only unique but also a reflection of the region's rich cultural heritage and commitment to quality.

